Considering the fact that in education we share the responsibility of the nation, we make special efforts to co-ordinate our educational activities with the aims and goals of the nation so that our students may grow up as responsible citizens fully involved in the task on nation-building.
It is with these twin aims that we have entered the field of education and run more than a hundred schools, about thirty colleges including professional colleges and a deemed university. Being convinced of the importance of education in the modern world and keeping alive the legacy inherited from our founder, Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, who was a pioneer in the field of education in Kerala, almost one third of the members of the Congregation are engaged in this apostolate.
Saint Chavara was a trend-setter in the universalization of education and making it available to all sections of the society. He also took initiative in imparting quality education with formation in values so that not only the individuals grow holistically but also they become instruments in social mobility and social transformation. Carrying on this legacy, we also try to be trend-setters in education; for this, we have an educational policy in agreement with the national policy of the Church and in the spirit of our own CMI legacy, and implement it in all our educational institutions.
In building the Kingdom community, we give special consideration to the education of the poor and the marginalized. In the present scenario of education becoming a service to be purchased, we give special care to provide quality education, both basic and advanced, also to the poor who do not have the purchasing power and hence access to such education.